करंट टॉपिक्स

17300 beds arranged in Isolation and covid care centers run by Seva Bharati

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New Delhi. The present crisis of Corona is serious, but society, governments, administration and our Corona warriors are working with a great sense of urgency to meet this challenge. We will be able to overcome this crisis only through positivity and collective strength. Various organizations and institutions in the society have also started coordinating taking many new initiatives in which thousands of people are participating displaying great spirit of service.

Like the first wave of Corona, in the second wave also, the swayamsevaks (volunteers) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh are engaged in the work of providing assistance to the affected families and the needy through Sewa Bharati and many other organizations and institutions. During this period of crisis, swayamsevaks have spontaneously started many types of service work according to the needs of the regions where they are working.

In a press release issued by RSS Akhil Bharatiya Prachar Pramukh Sunl Ambekar told that swayamsevaks have started  many works that include, isolation centers for patients with possibility of  Corona and  Corona Care Centers for infected patients, providing assistance to  government run Covid Care Centers and hospitals, helpline number for assistance, online medical advice, blood donation, plasma donation, helping with funerals, distribution of Ayurvedic kaada and medicines ,  counseling, oxygen supply and ambulance service,  distribution of food ration and masks,  help with vaccination campaign,  various awareness campaigns and hearse vans to take bodies of the deceased for the last rites.

Helpline centers are being run at around 3800 locations across the country by volunteers. Similarly, more than 22 thousand workers are engaged in organising vaccination camps, providing assistance and running awareness campaigns at more than 7500 places.  Isolation centers are being operated at 287 locations across the country, with around 9800 beds. Along with this, Covid Care Centers are also being run in 118 cities where 7476 beds have been provided, out of which 2285 beds are with oxygen facility. There are more than 5100 swayamsevaks working in these centers. Apart from these, the swayamsevaks  are also helping  to run the government administered  Covid Care Centers. More than 6000 workers are supporting 819 government run Covid Care Centers which are operating in 762 cities in the country. The swayamsevaks have organized blood donation camps at 1256 places and donated 44 thousand units of blood. More than 1.5 lakh people have been benefited through medical helplines being operated at 1400 locations across the country where 4445 doctors are providing services in these centers.

1- Helpline centers –

Locations – 3770

2- Vaccination centers operated in collaboration with the government-

Vaccination Center Locations – 2904

Assistance  to government centers and awareness campaigns – 4773 locations

Participant worker number – 22274

3- Isolation Centers –

No. of Cities – 287

No. of Beds – 9838

Worker – 3194

4- Covid Care Centers –

No. of Cities – 118

Number of Beds – 7476

Beneficiaries  – 18379

Beds with Oxygen – 2285

Workers – 1989

5- Assistance to  Government run Covid Care Centers –

No. of Cities – 762

In how many centers – 819

Workers – 6030

6- Online Doctor Advice –

Locations – 1399

Active Doctors – 4445

Served people/Beneficaries – 1,51,257

7- Food to the infected families / persons.

Places – 3315

Packets distributed so far – 5,37,436

8- Blood donation –

How many places – 1256

Blood Units – 43,972

9 – Plasma donation

How many places – 426

Serviced People – 4193

10- Ayurvedic  kaada  distribution-

Locations – 5921

Served people – 40,51,088

11- Counseling Centers –

Locations – 1242

Served people – 75,751

12- Service at the funeral –

How many places – 816

13- Hearse Van Service –


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