New Delhi. Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has paid tributes to Shyamji Krishna Varma on his birth anniversary on October 4th and urged people to visit Kranti Teerth, a memorial that celebrates Shyamji Krishna Varma`s life and contribution.
“On his birth anniversary, I bow to Shyamji Krishna Varma. A devout patriot, he inspired several nationalists, both in Bharat and overseas.”
Shyamji Krishna Varma was closely associated with India House, which was a very active hub for the nationalist movement in London. In 2003, I had the honour to bring Shyamji Krishna Varma`s ashes back to Bharat from Switzerland. In 2010, we dedicated Kranti Teerth to the nation. Kranti Teerth is a memorial that celebrates Shyamji Krishna Varma`s life and contribution.
“I urge you to visit Kranti Teerth in Mandvi (Kutch district). Visit, get inspired by the life of Shyamji Krishna Varma!”, the Prime Minister said.