Thiruvananthapuram. This year’s Amrita Keerti Puraskar will be bestowed upon Sri. S. Ramesan Nair, renowned litterateur and state president of Thapasya kalasaahityavedi (Affiliated to Sanskar Bharati). The award will be presented on September 27th, 2014, in Amritapuri, Kollam, during Mata Amrithanandamayi Devi’s 61st Birthday Celebrations.
The Amritakeerthi Puraskar is awarded annually since 2001 to eminent personalities for making outstanding contributions in the fields of Bharatiya spirituality, philosophy, culture and literature. The award comes with a cash prize of Rs. 1, 23,456, a statuette of Godess Saraswat sculpted by the renowned sculptor, Artist Namboodiri and a citation.
Sri. S. Ramesan Nair has made lifelong contribution to Bharatiya culture through his poems, plays, lyrics, translations and commentaries. The Amrita keerti Puraskar Committee cited his translations of and commentaries upon the Tamil classics Chilappathikaram and Tirukkaral, his compilation of poetry and commentary on Neeti Saarangal.
Sri. S. Ramesan Nair has received several literary awards in the past including the Poonthanam Award, Janmashtami Puraskaram, Revathy Pattathanam Puraskaram, Kerala Sahitya Academy Award, Sanjayan Puraskaram of Tapasya, Puthezhan Puraskaram, Edassery Puraskaram, Venmani Puraskaram and Ottur Puraskaram. He has also been recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu for his many translations from Tamil to Malayalam.
Previous winners of the Amritakeerti Puraskar include Acharya Narendra Bhushan, P. Parameswaran, M.H. Shastrikal, P. Narayana Kurup, Prof. R. Vasudevan Potti, Prof. K.V. Dev, Paravoor Sreedharan Tantri, Dr. N.P. Unni, M.P. Veerendrakumar, C. Radhakrishnan, Prof. Thuravoor Viswambharan, Dr. Shankar Abhayankar, Smt. Pratibha Ray and Manoj Das.
The award selection committee comprised of Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Swami Thuriyamritanananda Puri, Sri. P. Parameswaran, Dr. N.P. Unni and P. Narayana Kurup.