A committee tasked with formulating a draft of the Common Civil Code (CCC) handed over the comprehensive document to Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. The panel, led by former Supreme Court judge Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, officially submitted the draft to CM during a program at Mukhya Sevak Sadan. Security measures were heightened outside Dhami’s official residence ahead of the draft submission.
Following the receipt of the CCC draft, the state government plans to deliberate on it in a cabinet meeting. The draft is poised to be introduced in the form of a bill during the assembly session. If approved, Uttarakhand is poised to become the first state in the country after independence to adopt the Common Civil Code.
Expressing the significance of the moment, Chief Minister Dhami stated on X that it was an “important day” for the people of the state, emphasizing that the CCC would contribute to realizing PM’s vision of ‘Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat’.