Kallakurichi (Tamil Nadu). Speaking to the press during the North Tamilnadu, VHP International President Alok Kumar, stated that the minorities in Bangladesh are going through very challenging times. There have been targeted attacks on them including video graphed gruesome murders, atrocities and vandalizing their places of worship, business establishments and homes. We have seen the statement of Shri Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh calling for a cessation of hostilities against minorities and if not stopped, he would resign.
We hope Bangladesh would walk the talk.
Alok Kumar stated that VHP have also noticed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his first message to Shri Muhammad Yunus emphasized the urgency of safeguarding Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh. We can only hope that the advice would be heeded.
For restoration of peace and confidence amongst Bangladeshi Hindus and other minorities, VHP demands that….
* Peace and welfare of minorities in Bangladesh is assured,
* The families of those where any family member is killed or suffered damages are compensated, and
* Guilty persons are brought to book, tried and punished as per the law.
VHP today released a Help line No. +9111-26103495 whereby any distressed Bangladeshi Hindu can approach us and we in coordination with the Central Govt. shall try to help them out in every possible way.
We are surprised to see the grotesque silence of so-called human right bodies and persons who have not spoken a word for the suffering minorities in Bangladesh.
Alok Kumar, paid obeisance to the dead in the illicit hooch tragedy in Kallakurichi, stated that to eradicate the evils of liquor and drugs, is the responsibility of both government and the civil society. VHP shall accelerate the campaign against the evils of liquor and drugs. The Bajrang Dal shall lead it in the youths of Tamil Nadu. The campaign would include the strengthening of the family values and living the virtuous Hindu life away from Intoxication.
Alok Kumar requested the Tamil Nadu Government to not interrupt in anyway in the Kadal (Samudhra) Aarathi and Annadhanam being conducted on Purnima day every month at Thiruchendur by Andal Bhaktargal Peravai and advice its officers of Hindu Endowments and Charitable Trust against harassing the organizers and provide appropriate security and facilities to the ever-increasing pilgrims, who are seeking Lord Muruga’s blessings and create a tranquil atmosphere for the devotees at the holy place of Hindus.