Hyderabad (VSK). Former Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court Justice M N Rao said that Common Civil Code (CCC) is required to realize the vision of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s `one nation’. Speaking as chief guest at the national seminar on “Ambedkar’s thinkig about one nation, one cultural and one national goal” organised by Mumbai based Samarasata Adhyayana Kendra in Hyderabad, he said the recent judgement of Supreme Court has removed all hurdles in this direction.
He recalled that according to Ambedkar, the constitution allows religious practices which are individual in nature, but on all other issues there need not be any religious bias. Asserting that Ambedkar was not anti HIndu or anti religion, he said Ambedkar want a religion with principles and strongly opposed caste system that was bringing division among people. Moreover, Ambedkar want to democratize Hinduism, abolition of priesthood so that people from all castes can become priests. Pointing out Ambedkar’s strong plea to wipe out caste system in Hindu society, he said that inter caste marriages and common dining are said to be two major reforms advocated by the framer of our constitution. Ambekar also pointed out the communal agenda of Muslims and dangerous impact on formation of linguistic states. Recalling that Britishers tried to wipe out concept of a nation, he said Ambedkar stood for a strong nation.
Delivering keynote address Shyamkanth Hanumanth Atre said Ambedkar deplored prevalence of untouchablity which resulting in downfall of Hinduism. Recalling that how Ambedkar struggled hard against discrimination against scheduled castes in the society, he said he fought for their rights and justice so that to ensure equal opportunities.
On this occasion, Dr. T V Narayana Rao, who was awarded `Padmasri’ was felicitated. Large number of participants from several universities presented research papers on various aspects of Ambedkar’s contribution in various fabrics of our social life.