Imphal, Manipur. The ongoing violence in Manipur since May 3rd, 2023, has plummeted to unprecedented depths with the heinous abduction and murder of six innocent...
Bhagyanagar. ABVP-HCU in collaboration with Lokmanthan commemorated the Jayanti of Bhagwan Birsa Munda, recognized nationwide as Janjati Gaurav Divas, with great fervor and enthusiasm. The...
Pandalam, Kerala. SFI repeated attacks on female students, denial of their right to form student unions, and obstruction of their participation in college union elections...
Kolkata. Mission Sahasi, a two-day self-defence training program organised by Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and Vidyarthi Vikash trust concludes with a Mega Demonstration of self-defence...
Palakkad, Kerala (31 August, 2024). Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Akhil Bharatiya Samanvay Baithak begins in Palakkad, Kerala. This meeting will continue till 2nd September. In this...
Kasaragod Central University SFI Unit insulted Bharat Mata and National Flag. Even the national flag was depicted in an insulting manner in the posters of...
New Delhi. ABVP staged protests at Delhi University (DU) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on Wednesday, calling for justice for Harsh Raj, a Patna University...