करंट टॉपिक्स

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh after Centenary (100 years)

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Prof. Aniruddha Deshpande

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh i.e. RSS was established on the auspicious day of VijayaDashmi in 1925. The founder Dr. Hedgewar told his colleagues that we are starting Sangh today.

Sangh is approaching its 100 years. If we see the organisations all over the world which are regularly increasing with their basic fundamentals being social services and doing it for tens of years, RSS is rare exception. It’s not comparison to underline the greatness of RSS. We may say that RSS is approaching its centenary, but the RSS founder thought that Sangh and Society should not be different. Sangh is an organisation of the whole society and not of some part of it. At this important junction, it is timely to think about the past and the future of RSS. It’s impossible to recollect all, but important as well to look at it’s past.

The 20th century is historically important and unforgettable for Bharat as well as the whole world. World Wars, independence struggle of Bharat, making of Constitution, social reforms, development of Science and Technology, improving Government systems, social movements, economic constraints and Reforms are some of the incidents which influenced and improved the social life of Bharat. However RSS could not keep it aloof from such ups and downs. RSS in fact was one of the frontal organisation which took active part in all these incidents. RSS while serving and organising Hindu society and at the same time, actively serving to make Bharat Jagat Guru without any expectations, trying to amalgamate with the society, made its identity by its identical work-culture. The network of RSS has spread in all parts of Bharat. It is inclusive and tested with its social services time by time.

Regular Shakhas is the soul of RSS. Aim of man-making, the chain of transformation of men, society followed by overall transformation can be seen in its regular work-culture. Many such incidents had influenced the development process of RSS also. In the past, RSS had to struggle with many ill-incidents, but as it is said “Truth never dies”, RSS spreads its network nationwide on the basis of “never against of anyone”. Till today, RSS can be identified with its big reach in organising almost all sections of society, it has made a special status regarding Trustworthy Strength in the mind of society.

The future of RSS after the centenary may not be different than present, but thinking the Oneness of RSS and the society, we had to think about different incidents, problems and the challenges that may come in the way. The future of RSS can be guessed in two ways. The organisational structure of RSS is identical, its work culture and selfless cadre have resulted in the spread of RSS. The virtues of discipline, plurality and selflessness had evolved the organisation for the years. Unexceptional trust on Hinduness is the strong base of organisation The Hinduness based on the basic principles of life is on the top of Sangh philosophy. The organisation and the Swayamsevaks based on these principles is the strength of RSS. Once-upon-a-time Swayamsevaks is the hidden strength. To connect them with RSS again, let them take active roll in the social reforms and again widen the network is one part to think about.

On the other hand, to make the society and the nation integrated, facing the challenges against it, is also an important role of RSS as a socio-cultural organisation. The Hindu society is on the backfoot for the centuries because of social inequality. Casteism dividing the society has made the social life disgraceful. RSS is very sensitive for this challenge. Equality makes the society healthier as thought by RSS and therefore, Samajik Samrasta has got the utmost priority in Sangh. To nullify the social inequality is the long process. It can only be made possible with the virtues of acceptance, co-ordination and co-existence. Principally and Constitutionally, there is no inequality; but it prevails in the society in its day-to-day life. An integrated Hindu society is the picture of Samras society. So in the future also, Samrasta activities would have important role in the RSS thought process.

RSS thinks that the problems and challenges before the society should be solved with the help of society itself involving all the positive forces. It is always seen in all social service projects including natural calamities. Until today, the various social service projects run by the RSS and like-minded organisations had become the source of energy and development. The number of such social service projects has reached to 150000. Those would be increased naturally in the future. Development of Villages ia a successful example.

In the recent years, the problem of environmental imbalance is been discussed all over the world. From global warming to the excess use of natural resources had made this problem much complicated. RSS tries to contact the persons and the organisations working in this field, co-ordinating them, studying the problems regarding water, plastic, forests, etc. and marching towards the very solution regarding Environment.

Man-making is the basic work of RSS. The Oneness of Sangh and Society is its Foundation. The Swayamsevaks is its real Strength. The Shakhas are the base of this strength. Shakhas are run for the different age-groups with the variety of programmes. The concept of Pracharak, who give their full time and some even whole life for this work, is also another speciality of RSS. Thousands of Swayamsevaks, working all over Bharat with  the life mission of making BharatMata as Jagat Guru, plan their lives accordingly, giving priority to RSS  work. That’s why we can see RSS projects in the far reach Hilly Vanvasi areas. On the verge of centenary, the revaluation of various RSS activities makes us hopeful. RSS thinks the whole society as its working floor. That’s why any small thought and the ill-virtues like personal ego, hate, selfishness are kept aside. It can be foreseen that the aim of healthy, wealthy, prosperous, secured, self-esteemed Bharat will definitely be achieved in the future.

(A. B. Sampark Pramukh, Retd Principal, BMMCollege, Pune)

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