Lieutenant Shivangi Singh, who is a part of IAF’s Golden Arrows squadron, Ambala has now clinched a prestigious milestone by becoming first women pilot to...
Bengaluru. In yet another incident of Hinduphobia, a group of Islamic radicals attacked a Hindu man for sharing snacks with his Muslim girl classmate in...
Kerala (VSK). Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smriti Irani inaugurated Woman Labour Conference - “Drushti 2023 in connection with Labour 20 of G20,...
The selection of the historic golden ‘Sengol’ or sceptre from the non-brahmanical Thiruvavaduthurai Adheenam for the new Parliament building holds a deep significance. Prime Minister’s...
Guwahati. The NIA Special Court, Guwahati, convicted another accused in a conspiracy case related to the formation of a module of Hizbul Mujahideen (HM), a...