New Delhi. The working president of Vishva Hindu Parishad advocate Alok Kumar said that Bhagawan Shri Ram & bhagawan Pashupati Nath Ji are the bounding force of Indo-Nepal religious, cultural & spiritual relations.
VHP working president said that Hindu scriptures, janshruti, customs, traditions and history has no different view about Shri Ram Janmbhumi (birth place) Ayodhya. The present Ayodhya is the only birth place of Bhagwan Shri Ram. Shri Ram Barat proceeds to Janakpuri from Ayodhya every year. It’s impossible to misguide on the issue.
The latest statement of Shri KP Sharma Oli, the Prime Minister of Nepal regarding Ayodhya and Shri Ram is seems have been given under the pressure of a foreign power. It’s an unsuccessful attempt to break the unbreakable ties between the religious Hindu communities of the both the countries. His statement probably can’t be relied-upon by anybody except himself, he added.