Bhagyanagar. Strengthening credible news embedded with national interest in the media is the need of the hour, said Writer and Senior Columnist Dr. Bhaskar Yogi....
Hyderabad (VSK). Chief guest Venkat Chengavalli in his address at the Narada Jayanti celebrations held today on 19th May 2019 at Tyagaraya Ganasabha, Hyderabad said that...
Chennai (VSK). Narad Jayanti was organised by Vishwa Samvad Kendra at Rasika Ranjani Sabha, Mylapore on 16th June. The programme started with a prayer song...
Hyderabad (VSK). Umesh Upadhyaya Ji, Director of Media Branch of Reliance Group of Industries said, “In the present fast changing scenario of news media only those...
Bengaluru (VSK). Vishwa Samvada Kendra, Karnataka organised the annual Narada Jayanti celebrations in which it felicitated two journalists of the mainstream media. Sri Ramadhyani, a freelance...
Chennai (VSK). Four journalists namely Satya of Thuglak, Jatayu (Satyanarayanan), Padman (Ananda Padman) and Smt. Meenakshi, Executive Editor Mangaiyar Malar were felicitated with Narada...