Amritpal Kaur Durgavati Devi, wife of Bhagwati Charan Vohra, has been an enigmatic figure in the saga of Indian Freedom struggle. She represents the class...
Dr. Saroj Kumar Rath Originally named as Lachit Deca, Lachit Borphukan, the fierce and indefatigable Ahom Commander, was born during the early 17th century at Betioni...
Maaveeran Azhaghu Muthu Kone was one of the early revolutionaries, who resisted the British imperialism and stood the ground against them. Azhaghu Muthu Kone was...
Chennai. Theerthagiri (aka Theeran Chinnamalai) was born in the year 1756 in Kangeyam near Erode. He was the chieftain of Kongu region from Sangagiri...
The political power equation changed in the aftermath of 1757 Battle of Plassey. The British, who were till then busy promoting their commercial interests and...