Bhagyanagar. Following the multiple complaints from various organisations, Warangal Police reportedly stopped the scheduled religious event in the city to be addressed by Pakistan-linked Islamic...
Hyderabad. Muhammad Saqib bin Iqbal Shaami alias Saqib Iqbal Shami, a citizen of the United Kingdom and renowned Islamic preacher, is touring India from January...
Bhagyanagar. The episode is of 1948 in erstwhile Hyderabad State, now Telangana. The houses were set on fire, men murdered, women dishonoured, children and the...
Bhagyanagar (VSK). About a thousand students, stuck in Jalandhar in Punjab, due to the Corona Lockdown, could return home safely, thanks to the efforts by...
Warangal. A priest in Sai Baba temple near Pochamma Maidan here was assaulted by a person reportedly belonging to Muslim community following an altercation between them...