Lieutenant Shivangi Singh, who is a part of IAF’s Golden Arrows squadron, Ambala has now clinched a prestigious milestone by becoming first women pilot to...
New Delhi. The Indian Army, along with the NDRF, under ‘Operation Dost’ has sent the seventh aircraft with relief material to earthquake-hit Turkey and Syria....
Ambulances were blocked; Students could not take examinations; Police remained mute spectators Thiruvananthapuram (VSK). The Latin Catholic Church-sponsored agitations against the construction of Vizhinjam Port...
New Delhi. IAF (Indian Air Force) informed that it has received over 2 lac applications under Agnipath scheme till 29th June, 2022. The closing date of the application...
New Delhi. Indian Air Force has successfully conducted test firing of the DRDO-developed air version of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile from a Sukhoi-30 fighter aircraft...
New Delhi. DRDO and Indian Air Force (IAF) team jointly flight tested indigenously developed Long-Range Bomb (LRB) successfully from an aerial platform on October 29,...
New Delhi. Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed a contract with M/s Airbus Defence and Space, Spain for acquisition of 56 C-295MW transport aircraft for the...
The technology to safeguard fighter aircraft from hostile radar threats, Given to the industry for production in large quantities, Indian Air Force begins process of...